poetry i like :)

all titles in [brackets] are titles ive given to untitled works (or titles i don't know). i try to keep the original formatting when i can. not in any particular order

[Just look at it] by @canthaveshitingotham-crucified on Tumblr + formatting by @brenna on Tumblr

I hate it when I can't even write
a poem about something
because it's too obvious.

like in the airbnb I was at
I guess it used to be a kid's room
cause you could see the imprint
of one little glow in the dark star
that had been missed and painted
over in landlord white. like
that's the poem already
what's the point

you get it. you get the themes.
I don't have time to do it justice.

just look at it
it's on the ceiling

"Ask Again Later" by Trista Mateer

I miss you so much it feels gross.
It feels wet. It feels nauseating.

I want to rip out my heart
and shake it like a Magic 8 Ball.
Is this okay, is this okay, is this okay,
or does it make me weak?

[I am asking you to endure it.] by @intactics on Tumblr (deactivated)

god: Yes, you have been given a life in which none of your suffering will ever be meaningful or justified. I am asking you to endure it anyway.


god: We both know that you know that I only speak in silences.


god: A thousand faces, all of them Mine.

me: [A thousand faces, [none] of them Mine.]

god: Beloved.


god: I am asking you to endure it.


god: You did not always live inside this mirror. You will not always be here, suffering.


god: You understand what will happen to you if I look away, don't you? If I blink? I have had to watch every mean and sordid instant of your life, bound within these chains of ardent love. Although you beg me, curse me, and hate me, I will not look away from you. This was the choice I made on your behalf, not My own.


god: No. But I'm close enough to your idea of the real thing that that shouldn't matter.


god: Time flies straight like an arrow, which is to say it doesn't.

me: [N][arrow][is][the][strai][T][.]

god: I gave you language. You ate the fruit. You will not persuade me not to stay my hand.

me: [I am asking [You] [h][ow] to endure it.]

god: On the strength of My having asked it of you.

me: [I am asking [not] to endure it.]

god: Scio, sweetheart.

[A heart between your ribs] by @atlanticsea on Tumblr from a uQuiz result + formatting by me

"There will come a ruler
Whose brow is laid in thorn
Smeared with oil like David's boy"
Duty. Strength. Resignation.
You were told to do things and you did them.
The world is something that was put into your hands
and that you must deal with - so you will.
You have a rigid back and steady hands,
either metaphorically or physically.

Is it nature or nurture ?
You don't know.
You are tired of being steady.
You dream of feeling alive.
Not that you aren't, but,
sometimes, it's hard to remember
that there is a heart between your ribs.

Your love is where you breathe.
Come on, breathe. In. Out.
It starts now.

[Your moon is here] from What If? by Randall Munroe

[I could be happy] from She Is The Poem by June Bates

I don't fantasize about having the
perfect life. I just think about waking up
somewhere safe. I think about having a
pretty kitchen and a nice green armchair.
Books on shelves. Coffee always
brewing. I could be happy with
something simple and quiet.

"In the Ruins" by Frank Bidart

1. Man in a MORAL animal.

2. You can get human beings to do anything, - IF you can convince them it is moral.

3. You can convince human beings anything is moral.

[When you're not around] from Headless John the Baptist Hitchhiking by C.T. Salazar

I love you.

I say your name all the time when you're not around
just to put more of you in the world

[He sleep] by Ray Johnson (1964)

[The sound of you] from It Lasts Forever and Then It's Over by Anne de Marcken

I pretended everything would be okay because it seemed impossible to always be saying goodbye. To blueberries. To the ocean. To ravens. To pelicans and plovers. To the cormorants. To the sun-light on the living room wall at four o'clock. To the sound of you in the next room.