The song playing on this page is "Alright" by Maxton Waller↗


Dungeons and Daddies is a Dungeons and Dragons podcast - not a BDSM podcast. The main theme of the podcast is fatherhood, family, and everything surrounding that. There are currently 2 seasons - Odyssey and Quest - that are both DMed by Anthony Burch. Both seasons are avaliable for free on Youtube↗, Spotify↗, Amazon Music↗, Apple itunes↗, Acast↗, and their website↗!


The first season follows four dads - Hen Ry "Henry" Oak, Darryl Wilson, Glenn Close (not that one), and Ron Stampler - and their respective sons - Lark and Sparrow Oak-Garcia (later Sparrow Oak-Swallows-Garcia), Grant Wilson (later Grant Li-Wilson), Nick Close (later Nicholas Foster, and then Nicky, and then Nicky Swift), and Terry Stampler Jr. (later Terry Stampler-Marlowe Jr.) - as they're thrust into an unfamiliar realm on their way to a soccer game.


The second season follows the kids of the first season's kids - Normally Ly "Normal" Oak-Swallows-Garcia, Lincoln "Linc" Li-Wilson, Taylor Swift (not that one), and Theresa "Scary" Marlowe - as they deal with the consequences of their grandparents actions.


Dungeons and Daddies is DMed by Anthony Burch (as said above), with the players being Will Campos, Matt Arnold, Freddie Wong, and Beth May - With Ashly Burch (Anthony's sister!), Jenna Stoeber, and Jimmy Wong (Freddie's brother!) being guest players!


I love DNDads a lot, but one of my favourite things about it is the characters! I love characters in general but DNDads characters are so fucking good, I love their names, personalities, running jokes, and dynamics with other characters!! I love literally every character in the whole show, even Willy, 'cause while I HATE Willy, I absolutely LOVE him as a character, he's so fucking interesting!! The comedy is also fucking wonderful. Though, to be fair, a lot of the humour is swearing, potty humour, and sexual jokes, and I'm a teenager so that's what I find funny. Another one of my favourite things is the fandom! DNDads fans seem to have some magical ability to always be THE MOST talented artists I have ever seen, like, wtf is up with that??? I also just love the general vibe of the fandom, people are really chill and seem to have a genuine passion about the show and it's content. OMG also the angst in the show is so good. Again, it's probably just because I'm a teenager and am actively going through shit (also a teenager who has an...interesting relationship with its father,,,), but the struggles that the teens from both season 1 and 2 have are so realistic and so fucking relatable. I'm such a sucker for media with teen main characters lmao. Especially when they remind me of myself! Which is exactly what season 2 is to me!! Both seasons have a very special place in my heart, but I relate so much to the s2 teens. Anyways that was a really big ramble,,,hopefully you enjoyed the category 5 autism moment that is this shrine, and who knows? maybe I've convinced you to give DNDads a listen yourself!!